As we are enjoying our beautiful Alaskan summer fishing, camping, hiking or just enjoying the outdoors, let us also bring to awareness a few health things for August. We are always taking care of other people and tend to neglect our own health. Let us change that and one way to do so is to be up-to-date on all immunizations. This month we will provide health information on the importance of vaccines to help you stay updated. Also, information and resources will be provided below on other medication management strategies such as adherence and safety.
Thank you for visiting the Alaska Virtual Health Fair website for your health information!
If there is something that you would like more information on and do not see any on here please let us know and our team will work hard to get it on here. Click on the link below.
Do you know the difference between medication management and medication adherence? Well, there definitely is a big difference and they go hand in hand to ensure that you know about your medications and be confident in understanding what you are taking. Below you will find resources and information that will help to clarify some of those tricky medication questions.
You may have heard this time and time again, however, there is a reason why we are always recommending being vaccinated. I'm not only talking about the COVID-19 vaccine but shingrix, influenza, Tdap and so much more. Vaccines are available at many retail stores as well as your doctor's office.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist today about which ones you may need today.
Alaska take-back programs
Do you have extra medications laying around that is no longer being used? Below you will find information on how to properly dispose of them. Many people tend to have medications that go unused and if you have pets or children, disposing of them can ensure that they will not be mistaken for anything else and cause potential harm. Thank you to Mountain-Pacific for providing this information and continuing to keep a watch on the people of Alaska.
Please feel free to download and share this information with family, friends, and anyone wanting to know more!

Pharmacy & nursing students to administer health screenings in rural alaska
Take a look at how nursing students at UAA and pharmacy students at UAA/ISU are helping rural alaskans with managing or discovering how their health currently is. Project PAK, referred to as Project Partnership for Alaska's Kids, began in 2012 by Janet Shultz and every year trips are planned to rural alaska to provided free health screenings. Check out the article below and be prepared to be blown by the support alaskans have for each other.
As we start to see break-up season happening around us, that can only mean one thing... That spring is here and summer is right around the corner. Healthy Alaskans focus on a plan for improvement in Alaska's health. Click below to adventure through all the resources available to the Alaskan community.
The US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health has provided us with a variety of educational resources for this month. They bring us awareness and information on many different types of diseases and conditions. Take a look at each and emerse yourself in each of these topics to help yourself, your loved ones or anywhere you may contribute.
Play Every Day
As the days gets longer and we start to get more sunlight out, why not enjoy the outdoors of our beautiful state of Alaska and see what adventures you can get into. Alaska's department of health has a "Play Every Day" campaign with lots of activities and resources that you and your family can enjoy in our great state. Below you will find resources as well as a link that will bring you directly to DHSS website for more information that can keep you and your kiddos busy.

COVID-19 & Influenza Vaccine
With what is going on in our world today you may still have some uncertainty on which vaccinations you should or shouldn't get. Influenza has been around for many years, but COVID-19 is fairly new and is still being learned about today. One thing that we know is that vaccines can help prevent you from getting ill but when faced against the two big virus players you may be wondering if getting both is beneficial. Here is are very informative videos from the CDC that will educate you on both the COVID-19 vaccine as well as other preventable vaccines.
Looking for previous highlights???
If you are looking for articles, videos or any other content that you have previously seen and don't see it anymore on this page, don't worry. Click on one of the above boxes that is linked to where you can find previous highlights that was once on this page. Thank you for visiting our site and we will be updating information as more is provided to us to share with you all. Also, if you have anything you want to know or more information on, please feel free to fill out our short form above and we will do our best to get that
information to you.